We are currently conducting a stocktaking, so we accept orders, but we will not ship them until March 3, 2025.

Principles of personal data processing

Principles of processing of personal and other processed data

In this document you will find an overview of the main ways of protecting personal data and other processed data that may concern you when using our services.

Who processes your data?

The operator of the website and e-shop is Praha Music Center spol. s r.o., with a registered office at Ocelářská 937/39, ID No. 28206649, which, as the controller, processes your data according to the terms set out below. You can contact us at the following email address: gdpr@ henrysmusic.com


What personal data do we process?

We process only personal data that you provide us in connection with the use of our services (for example, in the context of ordering goods, services or subscribing to newsletters with topics according to your pre-selected focus), or by entering into a contract for the use of this service or by giving consent to the given purpose of processing.

This is most often the data that you provide to us when registering on our portal, placing an order or registering for commercial communications:

- Email (for sending order confirmation and other information regarding your order)

- Password in encrypted form (in case of registration)

- Your customer ID

- IP address

- Name and surname

- Shipping and billing address

- Age

- Telephone number

- Payment details (credit card number) - if you confirm that your credit card information is stored

- Profile information and interests - if you provide them in your profile

- Purchase history

- History of activity in email campaigns

We may also process CCTV footage from our stores if you make a purchase in person or order with personal collection from us. The operator of the camera recording is our company Praha Music Center spol. s r.o., see above. The camera footage is used purely for the security of our premises. Lastly, phone calls can be recorded if you contact our toll-free number 800 708 807. In this case, the recording is only used for checking and improving the service.


Why do we process your data?

One of the main reasons why we process your data is to process your order successfully and quickly and to manage your accounts so that you can use our e-shop services without any problems. As part of this process, we naturally take care of data security and are constantly striving to improve the security of our services.

We process your data for the following purposes:

- Processing individual orders and their delivery

- Managing user accounts to ensure the functionality of the e-shop

- Accounting and tax purposes

- Handling complaints and other service requests

- Answering your queries

- Targeting our product and service offerings

- Implementation of marketing campaigns

- Maintaining purchase history to facilitate future orders and marketing purposes

- Improving the quality of our service

- Conducting analysis and measurements concerning determining the usage of our services

- Sending us commercial communications in connection with our product and service offerings, if we freely give our consent (unsubscribing from commercial communications can be done in the service settings or the body of the respective advertising message at the end of each email, at any time and free of charge, or by emailing gdpr@henrysmusic.com

- Protection of property (camera recording)


Who will have access to your data?

We hold most personal data only on our servers, however in some cases, for example, to ensure the delivery of goods or services, we have to use our partners or external companies. We always carefully select all entities that can access your data in this way and assess their technical and organisational measures and security in advance, so that there is no leakage of the data entrusted to us or unauthorised access to your data or its misuse. All such entities are always bound by a confidentiality agreement and may not use the data for any purpose other than the predetermined purpose authorised by us.

Here is a list of third parties that may have access to your data concerning the use of our e-shop or other services:

- Service partners providing technical support, hosting, programming or operation of our website and e-shop and related services (service line, complaint handling, etc.)

- Entities that help us with marketing, sending commercial communications, targeting advertising and evaluating and analyzing customer behaviour on our e-shop

- Payment gateway providers (credit card providers)

- Shipping companies that ensure the smooth delivery of your shipments

- Companies providing credit to our e-shop and brick-and-mortar customers

- The operator of the heureka.cz Portal for the purpose of providing feedback on products purchased (comments and ratings are always voluntary)

- Customer satisfaction rating sites - for example, heureka.cz

In some cases, which are precisely defined by generally binding legal regulations, we are also obliged to transfer some of your data to public authorities (this includes, for example, the Police of the Czech Republic, ÚOOZ, and Customs Administration).


Profiling, automated processing, online marketing and cookies

Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make the user experience more effective. The law states that we may store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this website. For all other types of cookies, we need your permission. This site uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third-party services that appear

on our site. You can review and modify the placement of these small cookies at any time using the consent bar at the bottom of the site. The only exception to this is system cookies, which are essential for the proper functioning of the site.

The current suppliers of cookies are as follows:

Cookie Supplier Purpose Privacy Policy

AdForm Retargeting, conversion measurement, advertising platform https://site.adform.com/privacy-center/platform-privacy/product-and-services-privacy-policy/

Facebook Product sharing, retargeting, advertising platform, analytics and statistics http://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/

Google (Analytics, Ads) Retargeting, conversion measurement, advertising platform, analytics and statistics https://policies.google.com/privacy

Seznam. cz (Sklik) Retargeting, conversion measurement, advertising platform https://o.seznam.cz/ochrana-udaju/

Requestor Statistics and analytics (chat support and ticketing) https://ipex.cz/gdpr/

Targito Retargeting and online advertising platform https://www.targito.com/ochrana-osobnich-udaju/

YouTube Product Playback Platform https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2801895?hl=cs


How long do we process the data?

We always process your data for the entire duration of our business relationship (for example, the warranty for the product purchased or service delivered). In addition, we also process your data for the period stipulated by the relevant legislation or until your consent is withdrawn (for example, for the sending of commercial communications, which is set for 5 years) if it has been freely given for a certain purpose. We then keep a record of the registration on the e-shop and the information provided here for 2 years from the last login and purchase/login. All data is then also usually kept for 6-12 months as part of our backups. However, if you exercise your right to change, correct or delete your data, this is of course always ensured, even if the backups need to be renewed. Data relating to online marketing, analyses and measurements are then stored for a maximum of 1 year. Data that are processed based on a legal title for the performance of a contract, or based on a legal or regulatory obligation must be processed whenever the legal title requires it, even without the consent of the data subject concerned, or even despite its revocation.


Your rights about the protection of personal data

- Right to withdraw your consent at any time

- The right to rectify or complete personal data at any time

- The right to request restriction of processing

- The right to object to or complain about processing in certain cases

- The right to request data portability

- The right to access personal data

- The right to be informed of a personal data breach in certain cases

- The right to erasure of personal data (also known as the right to be forgotten) in certain cases


How is personal data secured?

We have established a general security policy and technical measures for working with data, which applies not only to our information technology but also to the physical data and services we provide. And we also require the same standards from our partners (for example, placing servers in secure rooms or secure data centres). At the same time, we regularly check all systems and their potential vulnerabilities to ensure that all our services run smoothly and securely. Where possible, encryption of communications or data is always deployed - for example, in the case of communications within our e-shop.


How and when can I withdraw my consent to the processing of personal data?

You can withdraw your voluntary consent to data processing at any time, free of charge, either within each commercial communication (unsubscribe option) or by sending an email to gdpr@henrysmusic.com. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the possibility to continue to process your data based on obligations arising from the performance of a contract or by law, or other consents given by you for the performance of other activities (for other purposes).


How can you contact us?

If you have any questions about data protection, withdraw consent to the processing of your data or exercise your rights under current legislation, you can contact us by email at gdpr@ henrysmusic.com or our registered office: Praha Music Center spol. s r.o., Ocelářská 937/39, 190 00 Prague 9. In this context, we may require proof of your identity to verify your identity. However, this is only a measure to limit unauthorised access to or handling of your data. To improve the quality of the service and also by legal obligations, the communication in question may be recorded and the individual requests logged.