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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions apply to purchases in the online store. The Terms and Conditions further specify rights and obligations of the Seller and the Buyer.


These Terms and Conditions are intended exclusively for online sale of goods to consumers.

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the Buyer is a consumer who is a natural person who, unlike the Seller, does not act in the course of their business activities or in the independent exercise of their entrepreneurship when concluding and performing the contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer").

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the Seller is an entrepreneur who, unlike the Buyer, acts within the scope of their business activities or within independent performance of their entrepreneurship when concluding and performing the contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller").

Civil Code: Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Civil Code")

Store designation:

Operator: Praha Music Center spol. s r.o.

Seated at: Ocelářská 937/39, ZIP 190 00 Praha 9 – Vysočany, Czech Republic

Id. No.: 18626459

Tax ID.: CZ18626459

Registered in Commercial register maintained by the Municipal court in Prague, section: B, insert no.:18655

Telephone: +420602384427


Contact address: Ocelářská 937/39, ZIP 190 00 Praha 9 – Vysočany, Czech Republic


Code of Conduct: The Seller is not bound in relation to the Buyer by any codes of conduct within the meaning of Section 1820 par. Lit. n) of the Civil Code.

After-sales Service: The Seller does not provide after-sales service to Buyers.



Information about the purchased goods is available for each individual item. The information about the goods and the price provided by the Seller is binding, except in case of an obvious error. Prices are presented inclusive of all taxes (e.g. VAT) and fees, excluding delivery costs. For goods falling within the scope of Act No. 542/2020 Coll., on End-of-Life Products, as amended, the total invoiced price also includes the recycling contribution under the mentioned Act.

Distance communication means cost is no different from the basic rate paid by the Buyer for use of such communication means.

Offer acceptation with an amendment or variation does not constitute an acceptance of the offer.

Confirmation of contract content concluded in a form other than in writing, which shows deviations from the actually agreed upon contract content, shall have no legal effect.

Buyer´s acceptance of unsolicited performance shall not constitute offer acceptation.

In case the Seller provides access to ratings of goods awarded by other Buyers, The Seller shall ensure and control authenticity of such reviews by linking Buyers' ratings to specific orders, thereby being able to verify and prove that the respective review comes from a true Buyer. The Seller will inform Buyers about the specific method of reviews verification on store website.

The photos listed on the store's website correspond to the goods being sold. No other discounts can be applied to items already discounted or on sale. Store discounts are not cumulative.


Ordering and delivery of goods

A purchase contract between the Buyer and the Seller can only be concluded in English language.

To conclude a contract, the Buyer shall submit an order to the Seller's store. The order can be created as follows:

Upon selecting the goods on the Seller's store, where legal information about the ordered goods is provided, the Buyer marks the relevant goods they are interested in by clicking on the "Add to cart" button. Information about the price of the goods, the price and method of shipping and the method of payment will be provided in the order creation process, where the Buyer will choose the delivery type and price and the payment method. Total price will be stated in the summary before the order is submitted according to the selected goods, the delivery method and payment method.

The Buyer will provide their identification and contact details in the order process.

The order can be changed, supplemented and checked until it is completed. After checking, confirming familiarization with and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, it is possible to submit the order by pressing the "Submit order with payment obligation" button.

By completing the order by virtue of confirmation of a binding order, the Buyer expressly undertakes to pay for the goods.

The order shall be confirmed by the Seller via email sent to the Buyer as soon as possible upon its delivery to the Seller. Attached to such confirmation shall be a summary of the order and these Terms and Conditions in wording effective on the date of the order, which shall constitute an integral part of the purchase contract.

The Seller shall provide the Buyer with a written confirmation of the concluded contract within a reasonable time after its conclusion, but no later than on goods delivery.

If it is necessary with regard to the nature of the goods sold, the manner and duration of their use, the Seller is obliged to ensure that this information is included in the enclosed written instructions and that it is comprehensible. In such case the Seller shall provide the Buyer with user manual on a permanent data carrier. User manual in paper form shall be provided by the Seller to the Buyer should the Buyer make such request while it is not unreasonable with regard to the circumstances or the method of concluding the contract or the characteristics of the goods sold.

The Seller shall send the complete goods to the Buyer without undue delay, no later than 10 days from the confirmation of the order in such a way that the goods are delivered to the Buyer within 30 days at the latest, unless the Seller specifies a different delivery deadline for individual goods. If the goods are listed as "in stock", the Seller shall dispatch the goods within two working days at the latest. In the case of payment in advance, the goods shall be shipped only after the payment has been credited to the Seller's account.

The Buyer is obliged to accept the goods and pay for them. The Buyer is advised to inspect the goods as soon as possible upon receipt.

Goods documentation, in particular tax documents, confirmations and certificates, shall be sent by the Seller to the Buyer immediately after goods receipt, no later than two days after goods receipt by the Buyer.

Should the Seller not meet delivery deadline or dispatch deadline, the Buyer shall be awarded a discount of 3% of the next purchase. Other Buyer´s claims are hereby not affected.

Title to the goods is transferred to the Buyer upon receipt and payment of the total price of the goods. In case of payment by bank transfer, the total price is settled by its crediting to the Seller's account, in other cases it is settled at the time of payment.

The risk of damage to the goods passes to the Buyer at the moment of goods receipt. In the event of non-acceptance of the goods by the Buyer, with the exception of refusal upon acceptance due to obvious damage to the goods, the risk of damage to the goods passes to the Buyer at the moment when they had the opportunity to take their possession, but for reasons on the part of the Buyer, the takeover did not occur.

If the Buyer does not accept the goods within the agreed time thus breaching their obligation, they are obliged to pay the Seller a storage fee for each day of the delay in the amount of EUR  1, up to a maximum of EUR 30. The Seller is entitled to sell the goods in an appropriate manner after demonstrably notifying the Buyer by e-mail and providing them with a new reasonable period for acceptance. The Seller is entitled to set off the storage costs and the costs of futile delivery of goods due to the lack of cooperation on the part of the Buyer in the necessary amount against the proceeds of the sale.

In the event the Buyer does not accept the goods and requests repeated delivery, the Seller is entitled to demand reimbursement of such repeated delivery costs, at the same time, if the method of payment upon receipt is chosen or in case of another order made by the Buyer with this store, to require the Buyer to pay in advance.


Order cancellation and withdrawal from the contract

The Buyer may withdraw from the contract by any unambiguous declaration made to the Seller within 30 days of receipt of the goods or the last piece of goods (if several items are delivered separately in one order), an item or part of a delivery of goods (if the goods are made of several items or parts), or the first delivery of goods delivered regularly or repeatedly, regardless of the method of goods receipt or payment. Such period is intended to allow Buyer´s reasonable inspection of the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods.

The Buyer is entitled to withdraw from the contract at any time before the goods delivery.

Withdrawal from the contract shall be sent or handed over by the Buyer to the Seller within a 30-day period. The Buyer is not obliged to state any grounds for withdrawal. To facilitate communication, it is advisable to include the date of purchase or the contract/sales document number, bank details and the selected method of return of the goods in the withdrawal.

The Seller is obliged to return to the Buyer the amount fully corresponding to the price and costs paid for their delivery without undue delay, no later than 14 days from the withdrawal, using the same method as they received the payment from the Buyer. If the Seller offers several options within a certain method of goods delivery, they are obliged to compensate the Buyer for the cheapest of them. In case the goods were delivered to the Buyer by the Seller free of charge, then the Buyer is not entitled to postage reimbursement. Within the same period at the latest, the Buyer is obliged to send or hand over the purchased goods to the Seller, however this rule shall not apply if the Seller has offered to pick up the goods themselves. The goods shall be returned to the Seller (not cash on delivery) complete, preferably in its original packaging. The Buyer is responsible for goods value reduction as a result of handling the goods differently than necessary for inspection of nature, characteristics and functionality. Goods return costs shall be borne by the Buyer.

The Seller is not obliged to return the received funds to the Buyer prior to goods returning or prior to the Buyer proving that they have sent the goods to the Seller. Should the returned goods value decrease as a result of handling the goods differently than necessary to get acquainted with goods nature, characteristics and functionality, the Seller is entitled to claim compensation for goods value reduction against the Buyer and set it off against the refunded amount.


Address for returns and complaints

Central warehouse of Praha Music Center spol. s r.o. (Limited Company) 

Rakovnická 2665

440 01, Louny



The Buyer is not entitled to withdrawal in cases specified in Section 1837 of the Civil Code and the right to withdraw from the contract cannot be exercised especially in case of following contracts:

  • contract on delivery of digital content that is not delivered on a tangible medium after the performance has begun, in case of performance for consideration, if it has begun with prior express consent of the Buyer before expiry of withdrawal period and the Buyer has been informed that the right of withdrawal expires and the Seller has provided the Buyer with a confirmation pursuant to applicable law;
  • contract on the provision of services, if they were provided in full, in the case of performance for consideration, only if it began with prior express consent of the Buyer before expiry of the withdrawal period and the Seller informed the Buyer before contract conclusion that the right to withdraw expires upon the provision of performance;
  • contract on supply of services or goods, the price of which depends on financial market fluctuations, independently of the Seller´s will, and which may occur during the withdrawal period;
  • contract on the supply of alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed at the time of the contract conclusion, stipulating the delivery can only be carried out after 30 days and the actual value of goods depends on market fluctuations independently of the Seller´s will;
  • contract on the delivery of goods manufactured according to the Buyer's requirements or adapted to their personal needs (including goods by the meter);
  • contract on the delivery of perishable or short-lived goods;
  • contract on the delivery of goods which, due to their nature, have been irretrievably mixed with other goods after delivery;
  • contract on the delivery of goods in sealed packaging that are not suitable to return for health or hygiene reasons after the Buyer has violated it;
  • contract on the delivery of audio or video recordings or computer programs in a sealed packaging, if the Buyer has violated it;
  • contract on the supply of newspapers, magazines or periodicals, with the exception of subscription contracts for their supply; 


A sample withdrawal form is available HERE.

The Seller is entitled to withdraw from the contract at any time before goods delivery if they are objectively unable to deliver the goods to the Buyer within a reasonable period of time for reasons on part of third parties and/or if it becomes clear the Buyer has breached a previously concluded contract with the Seller.

The Seller also advises the Buyer that the contract is not concluded in case of justified doubts about the Buyer´s real identity or in case of obvious errors in the information about the goods or price.

If a gift is provided to the Buyer together with the goods, the donation agreement between the Seller and the Buyer is concluded with the condition that if the Buyer withdraws from the purchase contract within this section of the Terms and Conditions, the donation agreement with respect to such gift ceases to be effective and the Buyer is obliged to return the gift to the Seller together with the goods.


 Rights and Obligations from Defective Performance


Quality at Acceptance

If the goods have deficiencies upon receipt (e.g. they do not correspond to the agreed description, type, quantity, quality, functionality, compatibility, interoperability and other agreed characteristics, they are not suitable for the purpose for which the Buyer requires them and to which the Seller has agreed, they are not supplied with the agreed accessories, instructions for use including assembly or installation instructions; they are not suitable for the usual or agreed purpose, they do not correspond to the usual characteristics of items of the same type in terms of quantity, quality, durability, functionality, compatibility and safety that the Buyer can reasonably expect, including with regard to public statements made by the Seller or another person in the same contractual chain, in particular advertising or labelling; is not complete, i.e. it is not delivered with accessories, including packaging, assembly instructions or other instructions that the Buyer could reasonably expect or other legal, contractual or even pre-contractual parameters), herein stated characteristics are to be considered defects of goods for which the Seller is responsible.

Liability for defective goods referred to in Section 2161 par. 2 of the Civil Code shall not apply if the Seller specifically warned the Buyer before concluding the contract that certain characteristic of the item differs to which the Buyer expressly agreed.

The Buyer may complain to the Seller of the defect no later than two years after receipt of the goods and claim removal of the defect free of charge according to their request, either by repair or by delivery of a new item without defects, unless the chosen method of remedying the defect is impossible or prohibitively expensive compared to the other; this shall be assessed, in particular, with regard to the significance of the defect, the value of the item without the defect and whether it can be remedied in the second way without significant inconvenience to the Buyer.

The Seller may refuse to remedy the defect (by repairing or supplying a new item) in case it is impossible or prohibitively expensive, especially with regard to the significance of the defect and the value that the item would have had without the defect. In such a case, if the Buyer has rightly complained about the defect, the Buyer has the right to request a discount on the purchase price or, if the defect is not insignificant, the right to withdraw from the contract.

When buying a used item, the Seller may shorten the period for exercising the right from defective performance to up to one year from receipt.

Within one year of receipt of the goods, it is presumed that the defect of the goods already existed at the time of receipt, unless the nature of the item or defect precludes it. In case the defect is justifiably complained about, the period under this paragraph does not run for the period during which the Buyer cannot use the item.

The Buyer is not entitled to rights arising from defective performance if they caused the defect themselves. A defect shall not constitute wear and tear of the item due to its usual use.

 In the case of second-hand goods sold, the Seller is not liable for defects in the goods corresponding to the degree of previous use or wear and tear.

The Seller is responsible for defects within the expiry date stated in the advertisement, on the packaging of the goods or in the attached instructions.

The Seller is also liable to the Buyer for any defect caused by improper assembly or installation carried out by the Seller or under the seller's responsibility under the contract. The aforementioned rule also applies if the assembly or installation was carried out by the Buyer and the defect occurred as a result of a deficiency in the instructions provided by the Seller or provider of the digital content or digital content service, if the item has digital properties.

If the subject of the purchase is an item with digital properties, the Seller shall ensure that the Buyer will be provided with the agreed updates of the digital content or digital content service and at the same time that in addition to the agreed updates, the Buyer will be provided with updates that are necessary for the item to retain the properties according to Section 2161 of the Civil Code (quality upon receipt) after takeover, and will be notified of their availability for a period of two years, if the digital content or digital content service is to be provided continuously over a period of time under the contract, and if the provision is agreed for a period of more than two years, for the entire period and/or for such period as the Buyer can reasonably expect if the digital content or digital content service is to be provided on a one-off basis under the contract.

The aforementioned rule shall not apply if the Seller has specifically notified the Buyer prior to entering into the contract that updates will not be provided and the Buyer has expressly agreed thereto when concluding the contract.

If the Buyer has not updated the digital content within a reasonable time, they are entitled to no rights arising from a defect that arose solely as a result of the failure to update. The aforementioned rule shall not apply if the Buyer has not been notified of the update or of the consequences of not performing the update, or has not performed the update or has performed it incorrectly due to a deficiency in the instructions.

If, according to the contract, the digital content or digital content service is to be provided continuously for a certain period of time, and if the defect becomes apparent or occurs during that period, the digital content or digital content service shall be deemed to be provided incorrectly.

If the defect arises repeatedly or if the defect is substantial, the Buyer may exercise the right to a reasonable discount on the purchase price or withdraw from the contract. However, the Buyer is not entitled to withdraw from the contract if the defect is insignificant.

Other grounds for exercising the right to a reasonable discount on the purchase price or withdrawal from the contract are listed in point 6 of the Complaint Settlement.

In relation to specific goods, the Seller undertakes to provide the Buyer with a contractual warranty of 24 months in addition to the liability for defects upon receipt of the goods. In case of a contractual warranty, the Seller shall provide the Buyer with a confirmation of the quality warranty (warranty certificate) in writing pursuant to Section 2174a of the Civil Code no later than upon receipt of the goods.

Should the Seller warrant the item will retain its functions and performance for a certain period of time during normal use, the Buyer is at least entitled to the delivery of a new item without defects or to have the item repaired under the warranty. Indication of the warranty period or the shelf life of the item on the packaging of the item shall have identical effects.


 Complaint handling

The Buyer should file a complaint with the Seller or the person designated for repair without undue delay from the discovery of the defect. When filing a complaint, the Buyer shall provide their contact details, a description of the defect and a request for the method of handling the complaint.


Forms can be downloaded HERE.

If the Seller has an establishment, they will ensure presence of an employee in charge of handling complaints in the establishment throughout its opening hours.

The Buyer is required to prove the purchase of goods (preferably with proof of purchase). The deadline for settling a complaint commences at the moment the complaint is filed (notified). The Buyer shall hand over or deliver the goods to the Seller or to the place designated for repair at the same time or subsequently after the complaint has been made. Goods should be packed in suitable packaging during transport to avoid damage, clean and complete.

When filing a complaint, the Seller shall issue a written confirmation to the Buyer, stating the date on which the Buyer made the Claim, what its content is, what method of handling the claim the Buyer requires, and the Buyer's contact details for the purpose of providing information on claim settlement. Herein mentioned obligation also applies to other persons designated to carry out the repair.

The Seller shall remedy the defect within a reasonable time after it has been complained about so as not to cause significant inconvenience to the Buyer, taking into account the nature of the item and the purpose for which the Buyer purchased the item. The Seller shall settle the complaint, including removal of the defect, and inform the Buyer of the settlement using the contact details provided no later than 30 days after its filing, unless they agree on a longer period in writing with the Buyer. In the event the Seller does not settle the complaint within the specified period, including notifying the Buyer of the settlement, the Buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract or request a reasonable discount after the expiry of this period.

If the subject of the obligation is provision of digital content, including digital content delivered on a tangible medium, or a digital content service, the complaint must be settled within a reasonable time, taking into account the nature of the digital content or the digital content service and the purpose for which the Buyer requested it.

If the Seller refuses to remedy the defect and/or does not remedy it according to Section 2170 par. 1 and 2 of the Civil Code, and/or it is clear from the Seller's statement or circumstances that the defect will not be remedied within a reasonable time or without significant inconvenience to the Buyer, the Buyer is entitled to a reasonable discount on the price or withdraw from the contract. The Buyer is not entitled to withdraw from the contract if the defect is insignificant; It shall be deemed the defect is not insignificant.

Should the complaint be justified, the period for exercising the right from defective performance is extended by the period during which the Buyer could not utilize the goods.

The periods duration from the first purchase of goods remains intact in case the complained about goods are replaced with new defect-free goods.

The Buyer is entitled to reimbursement of reasonably incurred costs in case the complaint is justified.

The Seller shall provide the Buyer with a confirmation of the date and method of settlement of the complaint, including a confirmation of repair and its duration, or a written complaint rejection justification. This obligation also applies to other persons designated to carry out the repair.


Privacy policy

The Seller is controller of personal data provided for the purpose of contract performance.

Identification and contact details of the controller

Company: Praha Music Center spol. s r.o.

Seated at: Ocelářská 937/39, ZIP 190 00 Praha 9 - Vysočany , Czech Republic

Id. No.: 18626459

Tax Id.: CZ18626459

Tel.: +420602384427


Contact adress: Ocelářská 937/39, ZIP 190 00 Praha 9 – Vysočany, Czech Republic


Purpose of processing, scope of personal data and legal basis for processing

The Buyer acknowledges that for the purposes of concluding the purchase contract, its subsequent performance (order processing, ensuring the retrieval of goods from stock and delivery) and possible settlement of rights arising from defective performance (complaints), the controller shall process and store their personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “GDPR”), to the following extent: name, surname, address, e-mail and phone number.

In accordance with Article 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR performance of a contract to which the buyer is a party shall constitute legal basis for personal data processing.


Categories of recipients/recipients of personal data

The Controller undertakes not to provide the Buyer's personal data to entities other than the following processors/controllers:

 a) to the contractual carrier selected by the Buyer in the order form for the purpose of goods delivery, the list of carriers is available HERE, while the data will be provided to the following extent: name, surname, address, e-mail, telephone number;

 b) to the issuer of a payment card in the case of payment by payment card, for the purpose of a possible TRA (Transaction Risk Analysis) exemption, which allows for a simpler purchase process, and on the basis of the Seller's legitimate interest in processing the transaction, whereby the data may be provided to the following extent: name, surname, e-mail, telephone number, billing address, delivery address.


Data storage duration

Personal data will be stored by the controller for the period necessary for contract performance (order processing, removal and delivery of goods) and for the period of the statutory warranty (24 months from goods receipt) or for the period of contractual warranty.

The Buyer acknowledges that pursuant to Section 31 of the Accounting Act (No. 593/1991 Coll.), the controller is obliged to archive accounting documents and accounting records (invoices) for a period of 5 years beginning at the end of the accounting period to which they relate (i.e., if you purchase goods during 2023, the invoice must be archived until the end of 2028). The controller is also obliged under Section 47 of the Tax Administration Act (No. 337/1992 Coll.) to archive the invoice for a period of 3 years from the end of the tax period in which the tax liability related to the invoice arose (i.e. if you purchase goods during 2023, the invoice must be kept until the end of 2026 for the purposes of tax proceedings). The invoice contains the following personal data: name, surname and address.

In case the Seller is registered under VAT, the Buyer also acknowledges that the controller is obliged under Section 35 of the Value Added Tax Act (No. 235/2004 Coll.) to archive tax documents for a period of 10 years from the end of the tax period in which the supply took place (i.e., in the case of the purchase of goods during 2023, the invoice must be archived until the end of 2033). The tax document contains the following personal data: name, surname and address.


Buyer's rights in relation to personal data

The Buyer further acknowledges that pursuant to Articles 15 to 21 of the GDPR, the Buyer has the right to:

 a) access to personal data, which consists of the right to obtain confirmation from the controller as to whether or not personal data concerning them is being processed, and, if that is the case, the right to obtain access to such personal data and to the information defined in Article 15 of the GDPR;

 b) to the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning them, furthermore, taking into account the purposes of processing, the Buyer has the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by providing a supplementary statement pursuant to Article 16 of the GDPR;

 c) to erasure ("right to be forgotten"), which consists in the controller erasing the personal data concerning the Buyer without undue delay as soon as they are no longer necessary for the purposes of performing the contract, unless there is another legal basis for their further processing;

 d) to restrict the processing of personal data in cases defined by Article 18 of the GDPR;

 e) to data portability under the terms of Article 20 of the GDPR;

 f) to object to the processing of personal data pursuant to Article 21 of the GDPR.


Upon request, the Controller shall provide the Buyer with information on the measures taken in any case no later than 20 days from receipt of the request.

In case of doubts about personal data processing, the Buyer has the right to contact the Office for Personal Data Protection, which is the competent supervisory authority, and file a complaint with it.

The Seller will allow purchase without registration, while data of unregistered Buyers shall be used exclusively for the contract performance, not for marketing or business purposes.


 Dispute Resolution

Mutual disputes between the Seller and the Buyer shall be resolved by the general courts.

According to the Consumer Protection Act (No. 634/1992 Coll.), the Buyer has the right to an out-of-court dispute resolution of a dispute arising from a consumer contract. The entity authorized to carry out out-of-court dispute resolution is the Trade Inspection Authority of the Czech Republic. More information is available at

Out-of-court settlement of a consumer dispute is initiated exclusively at the request of the Buyer, and only if the dispute could not be resolved directly with the Seller. The petition may be filed no later than 1 year from the date on which the Buyer exercised his right that is the subject of the dispute with the Seller for the first time.


The Buyer has the right to initiate an out-of-court dispute resolution online via the ODR platform available on the website.


This procedure is not mediation under the Mediation Act (No. 202/2012 Coll.) or arbitration proceedings under the Act on Arbitration and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards (No. 216/1994 Coll.) and its use is without prejudice to the right of the parties to turn to the Czech Trade Inspection Authority or the court with their claim.

During negotiations on the out-of-court dispute settlement, the limitation and limitation periods under the Civil Code do not run nor begin to run, unless one of the parties to the dispute expressly refuses to continue the negotiations.

Supervision of compliance with the obligations under the Consumer Protection Act (No. 634/1992 Coll.) is carried out by

Buyers' complaints are handled by the Seller via electronic address Information on settlement of the complaint shall be sent to the Buyer's e-mail address.



Final Provisions

Other matters not listed herein are governed by the Civil Code (No. 89/2012 Coll.), the Consumer Protection Act (No. 634/1992 Coll.) and other legal regulations, as amended.

The contract and related issues are governed by Czech law.

Changes to the Terms and Conditions in a form other than in writing agreed upon by both parties are prohibited. The purchase contract, including the Terms and Conditions, is archived by the Seller in electronic form without the Buyer's access. However, all documents for which written form is required by law shall be received by the Buyer by e-mail, where they will have permanent access to the unchanged documents. We recommend that you save these documents, in particular the order and the Terms and Conditions, for later use.

These Terms and Conditions are effective from the 12th of June 2024


Cookie Policy

Cookies, Music, and Rock'n'Roll!

Cookies help us to give you excellent purchase advice and fine-tune our browser concert to perfection. Shall we perform together?

Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make the user experience more efficient.

The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. For all other types of cookies, we need your permission.

This site uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third-party services that appear on our pages.

You can change or withdraw your consent at any time via the Cookie Declaration on our website.

Learn more in our privacy policy about who we are, how to contact us, and how we process your personal data.

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Your consent applies to the following domains:

Your current status: Allow all. Your consent ID: W4T4vdCF9hmPOyKkQJNwx6sYEWabnQHnYngsR+Ypg/6hvjZR1Qsfnw== Consent date: Tuesday, February 6, 2024, at 11:12:58 AM CET

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29 days

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HTML Local Storage



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HTML Local Storage


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HTML Local Storage



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Pixel Tracker

Statistics (17)

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Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.

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Collects statistics on the visitor's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been read.

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Collects statistics on the visitor's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been read.

1 year

HTTP Cookie



Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.


HTTP Cookie


Luigis Box

Tracks the user’s interaction with the website’s search-bar-function. This data can be used to present the user with relevant products or services.

1 year

HTTP Cookie



Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.

1 year

HTTP Cookie



Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.


Pixel Tracker


Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.

399 days

HTTP Cookie


Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.

0 day

HTTP Cookie



This cookie contains an ID string on the current session. This contains non-personal information on what subpages the visitor enters – this information is used to optimize the visitor's experience.


HTML Local Storage



Saves the user's screen size in order to adjust the size of images on the website.


HTML Local Storage



Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.


Pixel Tracker



Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.


Pixel Tracker

Marketing (45)

Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. The intention is to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user and thereby more valuable for publishers and third-party advertisers.







Meta Platforms, Inc.

Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.

3 months

HTTP Cookie



Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services.

3 months

HTTP Cookie


Luigis Box

Determines which products the user has viewed, allowing the website to promote related products.

1 year

HTTP Cookie

_ttp [x2]


Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.

1 year

HTTP Cookie



Used by Google AdWords to re-engage visitors that are likely to convert to customers based on the visitor's online behaviour across websites.


Pixel Tracker



Used to check if the user's browser supports cookies.

30 days

HTTP Cookie


Meta Platforms, Inc.

Collects data on the visitor’s use of the comment system on the website, and what blogs/articles the visitor has read. This can be used for marketing purposes.


HTML Local Storage


Meta Platforms, Inc.


3 months

HTTP Cookie



Collects visitor data related to the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.

1 year

HTTP Cookie



Collects visitor data related to the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.

1 year

HTTP Cookie


Registers how the user has reached the website to enable pay-out of referral commission fees to partners.

29 days

HTTP Cookie



Used by Google DoubleClick to register and report the website user's actions after viewing or clicking one of the advertiser's ads with the purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad and to present targeted ads to the user.

399 days

HTTP Cookie



Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.


HTTP Cookie


Meta Platforms, Inc.

Detects how the user reached the website by registering their last URL-address.


HTML Local Storage


Meta Platforms, Inc.

Detects how the user reached the website by registering their last URL-address.


HTML Local Storage








Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.


HTTP Cookie




6 months

HTTP Cookie



Tracks if the user has shown interest in specific products or events across multiple websites and detects how the user navigates between sites. This is used for measurement of advertisement efforts and facilitates payment of referral-fees between websites.


Pixel Tracker

pagead/landing [x2]


Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement.


Pixel Tracker



Registers a unique ID that is used by Google to keep statistics of how the visitor uses YouTube videos across different websites.

8 months

HTTP Cookie



Collects information on user behaviour on multiple websites. This information is used in order to optimize the relevance of advertisement on the website.

2 months

HTTP Cookie



Necessary for the implementation and functionality of YouTube video-content on the website.


HTTP Cookie



Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.


HTTP Cookie


Registers user behaviour and navigation on the website, and any interaction with active campaigns. This is used for optimizing advertisement and for efficient retargeting.


Pixel Tracker



Necessary for the implementation and functionality of YouTube video-content on the website.





Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.

0 day

HTTP Cookie



Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.


HTML Local Storage



Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.


HTML Local Storage



Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.


HTML Local Storage



Registers a unique user ID that recognises the user's browser when visiting websites that use the same ad network. The purpose is to optimise display of ads based on the user's movements and various ad providers' bids for displaying user ads.

2 months

HTTP Cookie



Tries to estimate the users' bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos.

179 days

HTTP Cookie



Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen.


HTTP Cookie



Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen.


HTML Local Storage



Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video


HTML Local Storage



Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.





Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video


HTML Local Storage



Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video


HTML Local Storage



Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video


HTML Local Storage



Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video


HTML Local Storage



Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video


HTML Local Storage



Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video


HTML Local Storage



Stores the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video


HTML Local Storage

Unclassified (8)

Unclassified cookies are cookies that we are in the process of classifying, together with the providers of individual cookies.










HTML Local Storage





HTML Local Storage





HTTP Cookie





HTTP Cookie


Luigis Box



HTML Local Storage




HTML Local Storage

trgid_ henrysmusic _com



10 years

HTTP Cookie




HTML Local Storage


Principles of personal data processing

Principles of processing of personal and other processed data

In this document you will find an overview of the main ways of protecting personal data and other processed data that may concern you when using our services.

Who processes your data?

The operator of the website and e-shop is Praha Music Center spol. s r.o., with a registered office at Ocelářská 937/39, ID No. 28206649, which, as the controller, processes your data according to the terms set out below. You can contact us at the following email address: gdpr@


What personal data do we process?

We process only personal data that you provide us in connection with the use of our services (for example, in the context of ordering goods, services or subscribing to newsletters with topics according to your pre-selected focus), or by entering into a contract for the use of this service or by giving consent to the given purpose of processing.

This is most often the data that you provide to us when registering on our portal, placing an order or registering for commercial communications:

- Email (for sending order confirmation and other information regarding your order)

- Password in encrypted form (in case of registration)

- Your customer ID

- IP address

- Name and surname

- Shipping and billing address

- Age

- Telephone number

- Payment details (credit card number) - if you confirm that your credit card information is stored

- Profile information and interests - if you provide them in your profile

- Purchase history

- History of activity in email campaigns

We may also process CCTV footage from our stores if you make a purchase in person or order with personal collection from us. The operator of the camera recording is our company Praha Music Center spol. s r.o., see above. The camera footage is used purely for the security of our premises. Lastly, phone calls can be recorded if you contact our toll-free number 800 708 807. In this case, the recording is only used for checking and improving the service.


Why do we process your data?

One of the main reasons why we process your data is to process your order successfully and quickly and to manage your accounts so that you can use our e-shop services without any problems. As part of this process, we naturally take care of data security and are constantly striving to improve the security of our services.

We process your data for the following purposes:

- Processing individual orders and their delivery

- Managing user accounts to ensure the functionality of the e-shop

- Accounting and tax purposes

- Handling complaints and other service requests

- Answering your queries

- Targeting our product and service offerings

- Implementation of marketing campaigns

- Maintaining purchase history to facilitate future orders and marketing purposes

- Improving the quality of our service

- Conducting analysis and measurements concerning determining the usage of our services

- Sending us commercial communications in connection with our product and service offerings, if we freely give our consent (unsubscribing from commercial communications can be done in the service settings or the body of the respective advertising message at the end of each email, at any time and free of charge, or by emailing

- Protection of property (camera recording)


Who will have access to your data?

We hold most personal data only on our servers, however in some cases, for example, to ensure the delivery of goods or services, we have to use our partners or external companies. We always carefully select all entities that can access your data in this way and assess their technical and organisational measures and security in advance, so that there is no leakage of the data entrusted to us or unauthorised access to your data or its misuse. All such entities are always bound by a confidentiality agreement and may not use the data for any purpose other than the predetermined purpose authorised by us.

Here is a list of third parties that may have access to your data concerning the use of our e-shop or other services:

- Service partners providing technical support, hosting, programming or operation of our website and e-shop and related services (service line, complaint handling, etc.)

- Entities that help us with marketing, sending commercial communications, targeting advertising and evaluating and analyzing customer behaviour on our e-shop

- Payment gateway providers (credit card providers)

- Shipping companies that ensure the smooth delivery of your shipments

- Companies providing credit to our e-shop and brick-and-mortar customers

- The operator of the Portal for the purpose of providing feedback on products purchased (comments and ratings are always voluntary)

- Customer satisfaction rating sites - for example,

In some cases, which are precisely defined by generally binding legal regulations, we are also obliged to transfer some of your data to public authorities (this includes, for example, the Police of the Czech Republic, ÚOOZ, and Customs Administration).


Profiling, automated processing, online marketing and cookies

Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make the user experience more effective. The law states that we may store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this website. For all other types of cookies, we need your permission. This site uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third-party services that appear

on our site. You can review and modify the placement of these small cookies at any time using the consent bar at the bottom of the site. The only exception to this is system cookies, which are essential for the proper functioning of the site.

The current suppliers of cookies are as follows:

Cookie Supplier Purpose Privacy Policy

AdForm Retargeting, conversion measurement, advertising platform

Facebook Product sharing, retargeting, advertising platform, analytics and statistics

Google (Analytics, Ads) Retargeting, conversion measurement, advertising platform, analytics and statistics

Seznam. cz (Sklik) Retargeting, conversion measurement, advertising platform

Requestor Statistics and analytics (chat support and ticketing)

Targito Retargeting and online advertising platform

YouTube Product Playback Platform


How long do we process the data?

We always process your data for the entire duration of our business relationship (for example, the warranty for the product purchased or service delivered). In addition, we also process your data for the period stipulated by the relevant legislation or until your consent is withdrawn (for example, for the sending of commercial communications, which is set for 5 years) if it has been freely given for a certain purpose. We then keep a record of the registration on the e-shop and the information provided here for 2 years from the last login and purchase/login. All data is then also usually kept for 6-12 months as part of our backups. However, if you exercise your right to change, correct or delete your data, this is of course always ensured, even if the backups need to be renewed. Data relating to online marketing, analyses and measurements are then stored for a maximum of 1 year. Data that are processed based on a legal title for the performance of a contract, or based on a legal or regulatory obligation must be processed whenever the legal title requires it, even without the consent of the data subject concerned, or even despite its revocation.


Your rights about the protection of personal data

- Right to withdraw your consent at any time

- The right to rectify or complete personal data at any time

- The right to request restriction of processing

- The right to object to or complain about processing in certain cases

- The right to request data portability

- The right to access personal data

- The right to be informed of a personal data breach in certain cases

- The right to erasure of personal data (also known as the right to be forgotten) in certain cases


How is personal data secured?

We have established a general security policy and technical measures for working with data, which applies not only to our information technology but also to the physical data and services we provide. And we also require the same standards from our partners (for example, placing servers in secure rooms or secure data centres). At the same time, we regularly check all systems and their potential vulnerabilities to ensure that all our services run smoothly and securely. Where possible, encryption of communications or data is always deployed - for example, in the case of communications within our e-shop.


How and when can I withdraw my consent to the processing of personal data?

You can withdraw your voluntary consent to data processing at any time, free of charge, either within each commercial communication (unsubscribe option) or by sending an email to Withdrawal of consent does not affect the possibility to continue to process your data based on obligations arising from the performance of a contract or by law, or other consents given by you for the performance of other activities (for other purposes).


How can you contact us?

If you have any questions about data protection, withdraw consent to the processing of your data or exercise your rights under current legislation, you can contact us by email at gdpr@ or our registered office: Praha Music Center spol. s r.o., Ocelářská 937/39, 190 00 Prague 9. In this context, we may require proof of your identity to verify your identity. However, this is only a measure to limit unauthorised access to or handling of your data. To improve the quality of the service and also by legal obligations, the communication in question may be recorded and the individual requests logged.